Home Life, Lifestyle, Poem, Relationships, This and That, Writing

Why Listen?

Why listen?
Society causes me to have anxiety it wants
To taunt us with all these model’s
Perfection doesn’t exist
Your imperfections and complexion
Are what makes you beautiful
Don’t listen to society
Trust me they cause anxiety.
They are provoking you
To be something you’re not so
Why listen?
When you can be beautiful and youthful just the way you are
Spread the word and think ahead
Now that I think about it, I lied
Perfection does exist and it’s you
Now take pride in who you are
And stop trying to arrange a change in you 
We were put on this world to conquer
Now do it being beautiful old you.


Kristen is a contributor for GirlSpring. Her posts focus on GirlSpring updates and current events.

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