Articles,, Leadership, Politics, TRENDING

Why Does Voting Matter?

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With election day right around the corner, it is now more important than ever to go out and VOTE! Yet for many, the task itself may seem a bit daunting. Research has shown that on average, only 60% of eligible voters vote in presidential elections. Why is that? Some may wonder if their vote will really mean anything or be worth the while. Well, we are here to assure you that your vote does indeed matter.

Need some incentives? See below 10 reasons as to why YOU should vote during this monumental election year.

1. “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

2. Voting is crucial to maintaining a healthy, strong democracy. So many other countries are still struggling to preserve that right. Let’s not misuse ours.

3. Your voice matters.

4. Voting is an opportunity for change – to make a positive impact for our local, state, and even national communities.

5. “Democracy is based upon the conviction there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick

6. To honor the Americans who gave up their lives to protect the constitution and ensure that you have the right to self-determine our nation’s leaders.

7. To learn more about our country’s history, as you research the candidates.

8. You have the power to shape history.

9. To set an example to those around you.

10.“Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country, and this world.” – Sharon Salzberg

Voting is a civic duty that we should all partake in. Although seemingly small, it is an honor and privilege to do so, one of the key freedoms of American life. Your vote holds immense power; make your voice heard this election year!

For more info on voting, check out Early Voting in the U.S.: What’s Happening

Hilary Batista

Hi there! I'm a rising high school senior with a passion for writing and am very excited to be helping out with GirlSpring's teen advisory board, Springboaders.

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