Articles, Confidence, Staying Healthy, Thinking Positive, Writing

What Will I Do?

Where In The World Are The Female Protagonists in Video Games?

Rhetorical questions, silent moments, salty tears

stressful loads of work filling up my desk and many questions and plans traveling my mind

When will I find true self-love?

When will I find love?

Will it be when I graduate high school?

Will it be when I succeed?

No, I will find it when I realize my worth

Love, graduating, and succeeding is a component

But the moment self-worth appears, true happiness and confidence invite itself

Actions speak louder than words coming from the tongue and this young I should own them

What will cause me to open my eyes?

What will make me wake up from this unrealistic dream?

What will you do?

What will I do?

Rachel Ari

Hi, I am Rachel Ari. I am an interviewer and writer for GirlSpring that enjoys laughing and hanging with friends. I am currently a sophomore in high school that looks forward to flourishing as I continue my journey through high school as a Springboarder.

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