
What is Going on in Jackson, Mississippi and How You Can Help

Dripping Faucet

For decades, Jackson, Mississippi has had issues with its water, but it has become an emergency over the last month. Mississippi governor Tate Reeves has declared a state of emergency and due to the fact that there is not enough water for residents to do everyday chores, for firefighters to put out fires, etc. Governor Reeves even advised residents not to drink from the pipes. 

Why is this happening?

The state of Mississippi does not have the funds or revenue to pay for the infrastructural upgrades needed. The efforts to repair the city started to decline in the 70s when the percentage of the white population of Jackson lessened, and the percentage of the black population increased. The systemic racism rooted in Mississippi has affected the availability of clean water.

The lack of clean water has resulted in schools and community facilities being forced to shut down and has left people without a place to be safe and provided for.

How can you help?

The easiest way to help is to donate money to different organizations that are aiding the people of Jackson such as Cooperation Jackson, and the Mississippi Rapid Response Coalition Water Fund, and the MS Student Water Crisis Advocacy Team (who deliver water to those who are not able to to physically get it themselves) who are taking donations via Cash App under ($JxnWaterCrisis22).

A great way to help is to start a drive or fundraiser at your school to either collect supplies to deliver to Jackson, or to raise money to donate to one of the local organizations. Because of the systemic racism in the city, it is up to everyone watching from afar to help those affected.



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