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What Are The Various Symptoms of PMS and How to Relieve Them?

Dealing with Premenstrual Syndrome is a battle nobody teaches us girls to win. This is probably because it is not discussed. Part of the population doesn’t even know what PMS symptoms look like or when they occur. PMS is a transition period between ovulation and menstruation where your body goes out of whack and has many hormonal changes, leading to symptoms that are part of our memes today. If you don’t know all of the common symptoms and how to deal with them, we’ve got your back. This blog will address nine of the most experienced symptoms. It will also help you deal with them so you can feel healthy and productive throughout!

  1. Acne:

    Of all the symptoms experienced during PMS, Acne is the most dreaded of all. Out of nowhere, your flawless and healthy skin can have a pimple or may develop overnight. The key is to not pick on them and let them settle on their own. Using a green tea bag, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and other such ingredients can also help shrink a zit before it scars.

  2. Bloating:

    Just a week or so before your menstruation begins, you may feel as if you have added weight. Small tell-tale signs could be your jeans feeling tighter than usual, your belly protruding more than it normally looks, and feeling plumper overall. However, this is simply a phenomenon that commonly occurs as a PMS symptom. Water retention can cause you to feel bloated or look chubbier but don’t worry, it shall pass! One of the most helpful tips to curb PMS bloating is to mindfully cut down on sodium because it is the main culprit in this phase. Also, drink ginger and mint tea to aid in flushing out any water retention, thereby easing the bloating problem.

  3. Fatigue:

    If you’re feeling tired five to seven days before your period arrives with no strenuous activities being undertaken, this is yet another PMS symptom you’re experiencing. The body shifts gears preparing for the menstruation days, which releases a cocktail of hormones. This is meant to encourage you to rest, so make the most of this phase without any guilt. However, if you feel too drained and have studies and work to get done, consume lots of fluids and fresh juice rich in antioxidants.

  4. Abdominal cramps:

    Many assume that abdominal cramps are only to be worried about during the period phase. However, there have been numerous records reporting minor to painful cramps experienced before the period begins. This is due to the progesterone in the body preparing to help! Usually, these cramps are lighter and don’t hurt, but if you experience sudden and painful spasms, use a menstrual cramp relief roll-on or heating pad. The roll-on is a blend of natural ingredients and essential oils that help to soothe your lower abdominal muscles and ease the cramps. In no time you’ll be up and about.

  5. Sore body:

    If you’re used to walking, jogging, or playing sports regularly, you may not be able to distinguish why your body is feeling more sore than usual. However, your body may suddenly feel tender and sore. As part of your hormonal changes, the muscles and joints can be subject to some tenderness, and hence, need to be cared for. To ease PMS-related soreness, consider incorporating joint health supplements such as JointXL Plus into your routine. These supplements are highly effective in reducing discomfort. Take a hot water bath, and soak in a tub with bath salts to feel rejuvenated and relaxed. You will also notice that breast tenderness can be helped with the help of these baths. Drink lots of water and herbal tea to keep yourself feeling energetic. You can also switch out heavy workouts with gentle yoga and stretching to help ease some of the soreness.

  6. Hypersomnia:

    While insomnia is the lack of sleep, hypersomnia refers to when a person sleeps excessively. Before your period arrives you may feel completely sluggish, leading you to oversleep and feel sleepy even after having eight hours of sleep a night. This is part of the process where your body is demanding more rest. In your developmental years, the need for sleep is more than an adult’s sleep cycle due to the growth of cognitive faculties. Give yourself time to rest well and tuck in early for a few days. If you have work, school, or college to attend, create a schedule that helps you get the rest your body needs.

  7. Binge eating or lack of appetite:

    If you notice that you’re eating more than your normal caloric intake just before your period, binge eating is part of the PMS symptoms. This can also supplement bloating, which we discussed in the earlier points. Make sure that you switch out junk food to healthier and nutritious meals to curb your cravings. Sure, a piece of pizza is good occasionally, but it’s not exactly healthy for your body all the time. Instead, make your own and use healthier ingredients. If you’ve lost your appetite because of a PMS syndrome, don’t skip meals because it will make your body weak. Instead, eat small portions of veggies, fruits, and lean meat or tofu to have a balanced diet. Stay away from complex carbs and sugary drinks like cola because they can induce constipation when your period begins!

  8. Depression and/or mood swings:

    Depression, brain fog, and mood swings are one of the most commonly observed symptoms of PMS. A healthy way to deal with these emotions is to go out and walk in nature, journal your thoughts, cry if need be, or talk to someone about it.

  9. Lack of motivation:

    Going through hormonal changes can do a number on your body and mind, and can make you feel uninspired and low on creativity. If you sense yourself procrastinating, make a timed list and spend the first five minutes dedicated to the activity. You’ll notice that it feels rewarding, which will help you complete all the tasks in hand.

Wrapping Up

Known as one of the silent syndromes, PMS is only experienced by many teen girls and women across the world. However, it doesn’t have to stop you from living your best life! Use the remedies and tips offered in this blog to see a notable difference.


Interested in more ways to relieve PMS pain, check out these helpful tips.

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