late nights forcing our eyes to stay open
talking, talking, talking
little women reruns
days at the beach,
dancing to old classics
toes buried in the sand
dressing up
carefully applying makeup
grabbing our heels and going to dinner
senior night at high school
football games and homecoming
prom dresses and graduation gowns
packing our rooms
loading up the car and driving to college
facetime instead of sleepovers
texting instead of late nights talking
but it’s okay
because years later, when we’re sitting around a table
my girls and I
we can say
“we were girls together”
Click here to read more deep poetry by Girl Spring contributor Bella Gentry.
1 Comment
Lauren Lindsey
I love this! It makes me feel sentimental about my friendships over the years and how much I’ve bonded with those girls. 🙂
October 30, 2023 at 10:34 am