Articles, Confidence, Opinion, Poem, Social

Turning 17

Girl on a path


What a weird age to stumble upon

Neither adult-like or child-like

An interim within the interim of teenagehood

Clinging to the remnants left of our innocence

Nearing the edge of a chapter that risks all yet shows nothing in return

A static feeling that threatens to paralyze fills the soul

Enthusiasm for the future flits around restless as a butterfly escaping from its cocoon

Yet, the shadows from that very cocoon pose scary questions about the future

These conflicting emotions fight to flee like the magma from an active volcano.

One day my concerns lie with what’s for lunch

The next day it lies in what I’m supposed to do for the rest of my life

Wishing to possess the foresight, my thoughts fling back and forth frustratedly 

In the company of my friends, the voices all seem to quiet down

Feeling the time pass and being in the same position, my body relaxes

Once they leave, melancholy washes through me 

And the thoughts replay like a broken record

An exhausted melody of uncertainty, bated excitement, and nostalgia


A feeling humans seek to validate themselves with constantly

Acceptance of themselves, someone else, or something

Maybe that journey of acceptance never ends

But, despite all my worries and struggles acceptance has started to set in

Not complete acceptance, but slight acknowledgment

I repeat the mantra in my head time and time again

“I’ve done it before, I can do it again”

Whether this statement is a form of gaslighting or tricks my mind

I decide to coast life with that jacket around my neck

It is neither suffocating nor too comfortable

It simply performs its job

A simple need that I desperately search to be

I want to be that missing puzzle piece that fits in

But, not at the cost of my happiness or passions

Although often than not, I’m the one who limits myself

The ball lies in my court, yet I’m the one who’s too scared to try to lift it up

Or angrily I toss it at the wall and let it ricochet back into myself

Other times, it goes straight through the net too, but it’s easier to focus on the countless missed shots than the ones that go through.

The ghosts of those countless past versions visit me 

They comfort me, they hurt me, they make me stronger, and they build the current me  

Ugly and pretty, guilty and free, honest and dishonest, arrogant and insecure

All those 17 years of me were truly me 


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1 Comment

  • TG

    Yo sup Juhi nice poem. TBH I’ve been feeling the same since I was 12 lol. Hope it stays that way and age is just a number,

    October 8, 2024 at 10:01 am
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