
Top 10 Resources Every Girl Should Know

Sometimes we need help. And it’s nothing to be ashamed of if you ever find yourself in that position. I wanted to compile a go-to list just in case you’re going through a crisis or just want some resources to make your life easier!

The Resources

The Most Serious

  1. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline
    1. This is an amazing resource for when your mental health just seems to go into overdrive. Whether you are contemplating taking your own life or are just really going through something tough, it’s worth giving them a call. When I was in the midst of a really bad breakup, I felt like a tornado. I called just wanting to clear my head and to have someone objectively talk about the situation. And that’s what I got. I didn’t automatically get better after my phone call, but I did feel a little lighter. From there, I gained some strength to continue healing.
  2. The Trevor Project
    1. This is an LGBTQ website that has resources such as counseling, a coming out handbook, and guides for LGBTQ allies. I’ve recommended this to a friend of mine and they were greatly helped by it.
  3. Beyond Blue
    1. This is another hotline that’s more focussed on everyday mental health needs. Here you can chat with professionals about anything and get immediate support either with their helpline or texting service. You can also email them and get a response within 24 hours.
  4. Office on Women’s Health
    1. This website has resources about almost anything relating to women and women’s health. From advice about relationships and potential abuse, to reproductive health and puberty. This is a great place to go to find out information about just about anything female-related.
  5. Location Tracking Apps (like Google Maps, Find a Friend, Life 360, and even Snapchat’s Location Sharing tool)
    1. Though it’s not always smart (or necessary) to leave these trackers on, being able to send a location to a friend or family member is a valuable. These services have saved lives. Having the extra support just in case anything happens to you when you’re out and about is a plus. Just have a few contacts to share with (just in case one isn’t immediately available or not on their phone when needed), and do your research as to what apps will actively track you and what resources will allow you to send one location in real time.


  1. Google Calendar
    1. I use my Google calendar every day. It helps me to organize my busy schedule so I don’t miss anything important. I think it’s the most user-friendly of the planner apps I’ve used. It’s also nice to have in conjunction with a paper planner because it’s mobile and will send you reminders on a device you’d probably be looking at every day.
  2. Via Transportation
    1. This is like Uber but A LOT less expensive. If you don’t drive or find yourself without a car, this is a great public transportation service that will allow you to get on-demand rides almost instantly. It’s not available in all locations, but the service in Birmingham, Alabama is really good. I’ve only paid around $2 a ride (and sometimes they offer free rides) and I’ve used this service to travel to many locations. They do limit how far you can travel within a certain radius, but it’s still a great deal and an awesome app for getting around on a budget.

Physical Health

  1. Sleep Cycle
    1. This is another amazing app! Sleep is so important for both our physical and mental health, and it can be detrimental if we don’t get adequate rest. The Sleep Cycle app is a free resource that will let you set the time you want to wake up in the morning within a 30 minute time span (so if I absolutely had to be up by 8:00 I would set the app’s alarm to go off between 7:30 and 8:00) and then the app tracks your sleep by listening to the sounds you make at night to determine what stage of sleep you’re in. Then, it wakes you up in a lighter sleep phase so you feel more rested. It also provides you with a detailed look of your sleep the night before so you can look for patterns, switch your habits if you haven’t been getting enough rest, and even see how much you’ve been snoring at night.
  2. Clue
    1. Clue tracks your menstrual cycle and can even give insight into your average cycle length, period length, variation, potential fertile days, and can even track your moods. Everything is also confidential and it’s free to use these basic features. It’s so nice to be able to look at an app and to know what’s (most likey, based on relevant data) going on in my body and what to expect.
  3. Chloe Ting, Blogilates, or Couch to 5K 
    1. These are awesome resources to get some exercise in a super fun way. Though losing weight isn’t everyone’s goal (nor should it be) it’s always healthy to keep your body strong and to prioritize movement. Of course, check with your doctor before starting any new fitness program. Chloe and Blogilates are especially awesome because these resources are female led and both trainers are full of positive energy. They also each have healthy recipes and tips on their Youtube channels and websites. Couch to 5K (or a program like it) is fun because it takes a larger overall goal and breaks it down. Plus, running can be done virtually anywhere and requires no equipment but a good pair of shoes.

Bonus: The Girlspring App

This is great if you love staying up to date with all things Girlspring! Exciting new content, programs, and a female positive environment are always included!


Skylar Summers is a senior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She's passionate about empowering women through storytelling, writing, and creating visual media. To learn more about Skylar, visit her Instagram page @skylarsummers20 and watch her short films on her website (linked on her Instagram page)!

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