Articles, Goals, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Thinking Positive

Three Tips on How to Face Adversity

A woman spending time in nature.

Adversity is where we can learn our lessons, and where we can grow. A fallout with a bad friend makes you realize that you deserve better, a bad grade on a test you studied really hard for makes you realize that you shouldn’t put so much pressure on yourself. These situations create motivation to become stronger when you are in these situations. However, these moments of adversity make you want to curl up in your bed and never come out. And it’s in that moment, under your bed sheets, that you think, “No, I can fix this.” So you get out of bed and start the process of fake conversations with your friend, imagining how it’ll go when you stand up to your problem, etc. We all deal with challenges and these are some tips to come back better on the other side.

  1. Positive self-dialogue:

No girl is good at being their own best friend. You try to help yourself by thinking you don’t need to try so hard, then look in the mirror and point out microscopic flaws no one sees. To face your problem, you need to be confident in your own skin. One of my New Year’s resolutions was the doorway mantra, where every time you step through a doorway you say something positive like, “I really like my outfit,” or “Today hasn’t been the best, but I’ll get through untouched,” “I really like my friends.” Being kind to yourself is such a key aspect of getting where you want to be mentally.

  1.  Self-care:

Taking care of yourself gets you ready to take care of your problem. Scheduling a self-care night, taking an ‘everything shower’, and cleaning your room, are examples of how you can take care of yourself. These activities will make you feel productive and up-kept, ready to face your problem. This will also help you feel confident in your own skin, making you feel mature enough to stand up to your problem without unnecessary drama or possible pettiness. Doing this will make you feel put-together and in a good mindset, prepared to stand up to your troubles.

  1. Productivity Mantras:

A productivity mantra is important so that you have the motivation to face your problem. The mantra I usually go by is “The cost of procrastination is the life you could’ve led.” This gives me a motive to be productive and work on what I need to do. If I don’t fix it, nobody will. Problems don’t fix themselves. Producing motivation gives you a burst of energy and productivity that makes you want to fix your problem. Some encouraging mantras would be, “Progress, not  perfection,” “Quality over quantity,” “I am worthy,” and another one of my favorites, “I am capable.”

What about you? How do you talk to yourself when you make a mistake or look in the mirror? How do you take care of yourself, mentally and physically? Do you trust your mindset to get you where you want to be? What mantra do you follow to stay productive? And most importantly, do you trust yourself to be your own best friend?

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