Articles, Confidence

The Power of Meditation

The Power of Meditation

In my quest to discover myself this summer, I came upon a Ted talk about the power of meditation and its effects on the body and mind. I couldn’t believe that something as simple as sitting down and closing your eyes could be so life-changing – that is, until I tried it out myself.

I started meditating in the first week of July. The first time I meditated, I could only make it to 15 minutes before the silence of my mind became way too overwhelming. The next time I meditated, I was able to add another 5 minutes. As I started meditating regularly, I was able to make it to almost 30 minutes of constant meditation.

After every meditation session, I immediately felt like a cloud had been lifted off my psyche. Everything seemed more clearer and I felt ready to face any problem life could throw at me. My day instantly got better and I could feel the power of meditation on my interactions with my family and my peers.

We all have busy lives, filled to the brim with appointments, jobs, and socializing. It seems like there’s little time we spend on ourselves! Spending time by yourself for half an hour allows you to finally focus all that energy spent on others focusing on you. Meditation allows you to tap into that hidden part of you that’s just screaming for more attention.

Meditation has been shown to increase longevity, or your lifespan, improve your immune system, reduce blood pressure, and improve breathing and heart rates. Additionally, those who meditate show less social anxiety, better cognitive skills, and increased memory retention and recall. Clearly, meditation has some great benefits.

If you’re ready to meditate, take a look at the following resources to help you out on your journey to improving your mind and body. I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed. Good luck!

For more information about how to meditate: How to Meditate

For the Ted talk that inspired me to meditate: How Meditation Changed My Life


Kristen is a contributor for GirlSpring. Her posts focus on GirlSpring updates and current events.

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