We’re a few weeks into 2019, or as I like to call it, the Land of Forgotten Resolutions.
By this point in the year, most people have forgotten, given up on, or haven’t even started their New Year’s Resolutions, but that doesn’t have to be you. Regardless of how much effort you put into your goals, your motivation will begin to waver if you’re not specific, realistic and optimistic.
Be healthier. Be more organized. Get better grades. Save more money. We’ve all seen resolutions similar to these, and they’re good goals to have. But are they attainable? How do you plan to succeed?
Be specific.
The truth is, with broad goals such as the ones above, it’s easy to lose your way, and eventually lose your resolution. It’s difficult to accomplish your goals when you haven’t planned out the steps on how to get there.
Okay, so you want to become healthier. Great! Do you want to drink more water? Eat more vegetables? Exercise more? While setting your resolutions, decide what route you want to take, and turn it into a finite goal. Drink three liters of water a day. Make sure you have a vegetable integrated into each meal. Do an hour of physical activity a day, whether it’s going for a walk or going to the gym.
Transform your general resolution into specific steps on how to achieve them. If you’re able to cross something off of your to-do list (one of the most amazing feelings), you’ll be more likely to hold yourself accountable and create a more defined path to success.
Be realistic.
Another reason why people give up on their New Year’s Resolutions is because they’ve come to the realization that their goal is unattainable. Old habits are hard to kick, and you might slip up every once and awhile. It’s okay. Realize that you’re only human, and keep that in mind while creating your goals.
Keep in mind that results don’t happen overnight, as much as we’d like them to. It’s going to take time to jump into that healthy lifestyle. You have to put forth some effort into studying and completing assignments before you’ll see a positive change in your grade. You’re going to have to change your habits if you want to save money.
It may not seem easy at first, but it’ll be worth it– all it takes is a little progress every day, and recognition that instant gratification isn’t an option.
Be optimistic.
It is the harsh and utter truth that we’re our own enemies. Everyone makes mistakes, and the misconception of perfection is what leads to the downfall of many resolutions.
Mistakes are inevitable, but contrary to popular belief, it is possible to recover from them. The first day of the new year is typically perceived as the only day to change mindsets and lifestyles, but that’s just not true. Every day is a fresh start. So what if you reverted to an old habit? It was a habit. It’s only natural. Be aware of it, and move on with the confidence that you can do better.
Always be proud of the achievements you have made up to this point– don’t let one moment of confusion be an excuse to give up. Don’t be too critical of yourself, believe that you can overcome any obstacle that comes before you, even if it’s yourself. With a positive mindset and straightforward, sensible goals, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in the new year.
Happy 2019!