Confidence, Depression,, Health, Poem, Poems, Stress, Writing The Harm in Being Called a Drama Queen January 20, 2021 drama queen, drama queen why so emotional? it was merely a triviality all your problems really are minuscule, in the grand scheme…
Articles, Poem Poem: Ten Thousand Little Things January 9, 2021 Today I watched you walk byand stopto look at the tree brimming with 10,000 little birds just outside my door.In an instant…
Articles, Body Image, Poem Poem: venus December 11, 2020 venus i. a woman is birthed from foam, from silk and seashell. her face and body are long and pale. it’s a…
Articles,, Poem Guarding Humanity November 16, 2020 But what is scarier Than the day we can’t connect Like the petals falling off Of a dying rose But what is…
Articles, Holiday Licorice: A Short Story October 30, 2020 Name: Licorice Fluorescent light. Large white squares. It feels as though I have awoken from a deep slumber. My eyes feel heavy…
Articles, Poem Poetry from the Desert Island Supply Company October 27, 2020 Our partners at Desert Island Supply Company in Woodlawn work with students in the Woodlawn area of Birmingham, Alabama, to create a…