Articles,, Poem Poem: Special September 24, 2021 You dance as if the carpet is red Ignoring the beige speckled with ground coffee stains As your fingers flutter through…
Articles,, School, Tips A Guide to the Critique Process September 21, 2021 Overview Creative writing workshops are a popular form of teaching writers. Different from a regular class, workshops require students to share their…
Articles, Artwork Artwork: Garbage September 19, 2021 Medium: Digital, iPhone 12 Pro How would you feel if you knew you were eating plastic? This unfortunate diet of garbage is…
Articles,, Writing A Table for Two September 18, 2021 He knew it was a mistake to smile at her. He realized it as soon as he sat down. She was much…
Articles,, Poem What is Her Beauty? September 14, 2021 “She was beautiful, but not like those girls in magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for…
Articles, Artwork, Poem, Poems Poem: Too Late For The Beach September 9, 2021 “It’s too late for the beach.” We waddle our way down the dock not having a single thought. The sky is not…