Poem, Writing Washed Out to Sea June 27, 2022 where does this loneliness come from? how does something swallow me up inside if i don’t even know where it…
Articles, Poem, School, Writing Poem: What A Wonderful Year! June 10, 2022 What A Wonderful Year! What a wonderful year, I could experience A year full of lessons Uncomfortable encounters and learning to pass…
Articles, GirlSpring.com, Mental Health, Poem, Poems, Politics, School, Stress, Tough Questions Poetry: On Hearing of the Robb Elementary School Shooting May 31, 2022 All you can do is close your eyes as you unravel. You can still see the blue, ethereal glow behind your…
Articles, College, Depression, Poem, School, Stress Poem: Beginning To End May 27, 2022 In the beginning, we were all virtual In the Beginning, virtual was the worse Finishing The Eighth Grade Virtually- Was…
Articles, GirlSpring.com, Poem, Writing Poem: broken glass May 24, 2022 empty / full / empty / full / why do i pour out? fill in? constantly fluctuate between desperate…
Articles, GirlSpring.com, Poem, Poems, School Poetry: Time Flies May 21, 2022 As seniors are graduating and juniors are becoming seniors. It is bittersweet to know that you and your classmates will be separated…