Browsing Tag:

Original Art and Poetry

  • An abandoned house
    Articles, Poem, Poems

    Poem: Lonely

    I remember when I used to hold parties,  the annual family Thanksgiving dinner, and  I still remember the first time  They came…

  • Articles, Poem, Poems

    Poem: Victory

    Victory   Loneliness hangs like a heavy raincloud And threatens the innocent skies It whispers in secret and never is loud Until…

  • A Garden
    Articles, Poem, Poems

    Poem: Serenity

    Serenity Serenity is the pale pink petals of a blooming flower,Gently opening to the warm embrace of the brilliant sun,Here, in the…

  • A depiction of grief
    Articles, Poem

    Poem: their laugh

    their laugh   you find out you lost them-   what a funny word you lose your keys and your phone not a…