Articles, This and That, Tips Self-Defense 101 March 9, 2021 What is Self-Defense and Why Is It Important? Self-defense is “the act of defending one’s person when physically attacked, as by countering…
Articles, College, COVID-19, Mental Health Dealing with Burnout March 7, 2021 Burnout is pretty common in high school and college students alike, especially those who are nearing their senior year or graduation. Just…
Articles,, Health, Mental Health, School, Stress, Thinking Positive, Tips, work Tips To Stay Focused in the Third Quarter February 13, 2021 This year has been incredibly tough on everyone in a variety of ways. For those of us who fall in the student…
Articles, College, College Applications: Finally Hit “Submit,” But Now What? January 27, 2021 Each time I reached the word count on an essay draft, I would roll my eyes and think I hate this. This…
Articles, College, Why Choose a Rural College? January 26, 2021 There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a college, and with thousands of schools to choose from it can…
Articles,, Interview, Leadership, Politics, Politics, Tough Questions Interview with Jordyn Hudson on the Events of January 6th January 22, 2021 Jordyn Hudson is a high school senior and the founder and CEO of Shape the Culture, a company “founded to showcase the…