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    Fun Ideas for a Spring Break Spent at Home

    Fun Ideas for a Spring Break Spent at Home

    Updated December 2022. Some of the TV shows may be dated, but the general ideas are great!

    Fun Ideas for a Spring Break Spent at Home

    It seems like everyone has plans for an amazing Spring Break vacation. You can also have amazing Spring Break plans – regardless if you go anywhere!

    If you are at home for Spring Break, this list is for you!


    All those books on your reading list that are sitting on your shelf collecting dusty are ready to be picked up. Grab the one you’ve been eyeing and go outside and read while soaking up some sun in the backyard. Or go to a local coffee shop, get your favorite pastry, and read.

    Binge Netflix

    There are so many shows on Netflix that have many seasons to keep you busy all week. My favorite shows to binge are Grey’s Anatomy, Law and Order, Friends, That 70’s show, You, Gossip Girl and The Office. All of these shows are extremely addicting. Trust me, you will not get bored.


    Bake cookies or a cake. If you don’t usually bake, learn! Baking is so much fun and you get to eat whatever you bake. Get creative and just experiment. Learn baking courses in a new way, like making vegan or healthy chocolate chip cookies. There are so many recipes and fun ideas on Pinterest, so have fun looking them up and start baking!


    I am sure your room could use a new look, I know mine could. Change up the way your bed is positioned in your room, or move your dresser next to the window. Change things up a bit. Or organize your drawers. I know it is easy for clothes to get jumbled up and it becomes frustrating trying to close drawers. So, dedicate a day to organizing, refolding your clothes or redo your closet.


    Go on a morning run or start a new exercise routine. Exercising can only improve your health, so try it out! Or maybe go on Youtube and learn how to do yoga or pilates. There are so many different workouts out there and Youtube is full of free ones.

    Treat Yourself

    Give yourself a spa day. Put on a face mask, prop up your feet and watch your favorite romance movie. Finally, paint your fingernails and toenails. It’s about time – since you have been slowly watching the polish chip the past few months.

    Start A Blog

    Finally, write that first blog post you have been putting off for months. You know have a whole week to design a blog and express yourself through writing. Be bold and make it your own!

    There are an endless amount of ideas to keep you occupied all spring break.

    If you find yourself bored, think of all the things you’d like to do during the school year that you never have time for and do them!

    Make the most of your week and relax. You deserve it!

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