Articles, School

Study Tips and Tricks

Study Tips and Tricks


Start off your second semester knowing how to study!


  • Pomodoro Technique 

 Start by preparing your desk and knowing what you want to study. Then set a 25-minute timer to work and then take a 5-minute break. After you’ve worked for about 100 minutes, take a 15-30 minute break. This technique allows you to not burn out, making you work more productively.


  • SQ3R 

 This acronym stands for survey, question, read, recite and review. This technique is going to help you quickly understand and comprehend a book or article. 

First, start off by skimming the article and looking at subheadings, bolded words, pictures, and style of writing. Next, question the content. Ask questions like “What is this about?” or “What is the purpose of this content?’’ or “What is the overall message?”. It’s now time to begin reading. Read the text and start answering the questions you’ve formulated and take notes on what you’re reading. Recite what you’ve read. Remember what you just read and recite the key points as word for word you can. Lastly, review the content. Test yourself to make sure you really understand the content and re-read anything you can’t recall correctly.


  • Become the teacher

If you think you have completely mastered the subject, think again. Be a teacher and pretend you’re teaching the subject to a student. Pretend to answer questions that a student would ask. This way, you can see any gaps in your knowledge.


  • Loci

This method is great for memory. Imagine you’re trying to memorize the process of making a cake. You’ll imagine you’re taking a trip to New York. First, you drive to the airport which you would connect to the idea of preheating your oven. Next, you’d check in your luggage which you connect to beating all of your wet ingredients together. Then, you’d pass through security connecting to whisk your dry ingredients together and so on. This can be done with any process.


  • Write 

Re-writing your notes can be helpful, especially if your original notes were typed. Writing your notes allows you to think about the subject and what the notes are actually saying rather than just click-clacking away on your keyboard. Also, making a mind map is very useful. Place the large topic in the center and branch off from the topic with additional details and ideas. FOr example, the large topic could be “The Industrial Revolution’’ and branches off could be “causes and effects” or “gender divides that came with the Industrial Revolution”.

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1 Comment

  • Saniya Vaish

    These were really helpful!

    January 30, 2023 at 7:52 am
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