Zelda Vasquez Ramirez ’22
Zelda is a junior and engineering major from Faber, Virginia, and is active across campus as the LatinX club president and Young Democrats club secretary. Recently, she built a line-following robot for her Mechatronics class. “The car uses three infrared light emitters and detector sensors, two bumper sensors, and two motors. What gives it a car shape is the black chassis and wheels. The IR sensors detect the black tape that the car follows and the bumper sensors tell the car when it has bumped into something, which then tells it to adjust its course by turning right, left or reversing. During class, we raced our cars and mine came in third place, but it was still a lot of fun.”
Camren Whitt ’24
Camren is a first-year from Fredericksburg, Virginia, and can usually be found in the greenhouse. She was active in FFA during high school and continues to follow her passion. “One of the reasons I chose Sweet Briar is because of all the opportunities in agricultural education. I have had the opportunity to become a student worker in the greenhouse, harvest grapes from our vineyard, study our bees in the apiary and so much more in my first year! I’m so excited to see what opportunities I will discover within the next three years.”
Kira Bramblett ’24
Kira is a first-year student from Apex, North Carolina, studying chemistry. “Ever since I arrived at Sweet Briar for my first tour as a prospective student, I felt more connected and welcome than I have ever felt before. This school’s natural beauty and close knit community drew me in, and even on my first day, I felt like I belonged. The community is so friendly, and it didn’t matter where I came from. Everywhere from classes to clubs I felt like I had friends. My self confidence has skyrocketed being at Sweet Briar surrounded by so many uplifting and amazing women. It was by far the best decision I could have made, and I look forward to the rest of my experience here at SBC.”
“Being surrounded by so many cultures and meeting many people with vast experiences and traditions has made me feel excited to be involved and learn how other people live. I want to travel the world some day, and I know that I will be so much more appreciative of what I learn. The way women at Sweet Briar carry themselves and what they love and grew up with is inspiring and beautiful. It puts a lot of my own views into a new perspective. Women are capable of amazing things, and as the next four years progress, I can’t wait to learn more about the world and all of the different traditions I may not have had growing up.”
Kaytee Reynolds ’23
Kaytee is a sophomore from Sydney, Australia, who is designing her own major in education and plays field hockey. “The friendly and nurturing atmosphere at Sweet Briar has helped me to grow in so many ways. It has helped me to develop as a young woman, increasing my sense of responsibility and respect for my place in this world. It has also helped me develop my organization and leadership skills.”
“Coming from Australia to Sweet Briar and living with all these different independent and intelligent women has been an exhilarating experience. I am now much more aware of what women can achieve with their caring and encouraging nature. Sweet Briar has a high level of diversity amongst its students whether it be race, religion or sexuality and all are accepted and encouraged to be the best women they can be. It has taught me that one woman’s success is every woman’s success as we all take our place in this world.”
Evelyn Tello ’24
“Coming to a new environment like Sweet Briar, I was in the same position as most students, trying to find out who I am, where I would fit in and what I want to do with the rest of my life. I was afraid to come out of my comfort zone and take that leap to a new adventure; however, I’ve learned that you cannot accomplish anything unless you take that leap and learn from the experience. As a STEM major, there’s a new challenge with each class, and as new technologies advance, more opportunities arise. Even within the campus’ small community, there is an abundance of motivated women all over campus. Everyone has their own experiences and diverse backgrounds that drive them to succeed, and it’s this drive that is truly changing the world as we all continue to grow from today to the future.”