Photo by Roberto Nickson on Pexels
The time of year has finally come. Midterms are over, the weather is warm, and spring break is right around the corner. The normal popular crowds are doing their normal beach trips, and you are completely unsure of what to do or where to turn. Money isn’t flying out of your pockets or your parents’ like the girl next door, and planning a trip with a huge group of mean girls isn’t your ideal vacation. I get it.
So what do you do?
Well, friend for starters, I am sorry. I am sorry that society has turned high school into one big popularity contest, and I am sorry that its all about fitting in. However, I am not sorry that what seems to matter the most today in your young eyes will end up meaning so very little in the long run of your life.
You see, I know that the upcoming spring break and the plans you make seem like the end-all-be-all. However, years from now you’re going to remember much more of how you felt during this time than what you did. Going with the wrong crowd of people, or getting yourself into situations that you are uncomfortable with just to fit in, is not going to leave you feeling fulfilled. In fact, it is going to leave you feeling quite empty.
I know that spring break is full of memories and fun, but it can also be full of very bad decisions. Being around the right group of friends and people with similar values as yourself is so important. It is always important, but going out of town with someone and doing as they do for a week needs to fulfill you, not stress you.
Can I let you in on a secret? It is okay to hold off on that beach trip if the crowd you’re planning to go with is not your group of people. There are going to be other trips. There are going to be new friends, and there are going to be new memories. Please, friend, do not go out of your comfort zone to make others more comfortable.
YOU are your First Priority
If you are anything like me, you are a people pleaser through and through. However, I am slowly learning throughout my young adult life that compromising my happiness for the satisfaction of others is not the way we are supposed to live. Friend, do not do things you are uncomfortable with just to please others and fit in with others. I know that as humans we strive to fit in, but I challenge you to break that stigma. I challenge you to do what makes you happy, not your friends.
Spring break can be filled with some of the best memories of your life, however, it can also be filled with some of the worst, if you are not careful. When I say careful, I mean physically, mentally, and emotionally. The people we surround ourselves with are the people we slowly become. I know that through your eyes, at the age you are now, everything in high school seems like the biggest deal ever… it’s not!
Your happiness can and should come first in everything that you do. If that means staying back this spring break or going with a different group of people, that is exactly what you should do! You will not get these times and memories back, so please, friend, make yourself happy above all else.
If you have no plans, check out some fun Spring Break ideas to do from home.
1 Comment
Dania A.
Absolutely loved this article– so reassuring and supportive!
March 30, 2022 at 11:03 pm