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Simple Life-Saving Procedures You Can Learn Today

A few minutes can make a world of difference if someone is in distress or if they need medical help. Whether you’re a babysitter, moving away to college or simply want to be able to help out in an emergency, these are things that anyone can learn. The sad thing is that medical help is usually a few minutes away, and it might be too late to do anything when medical help eventually arrives. Because of this, it is important that we all learn a few life-saving procedures that can be the difference between someone making it and not making it.

Learn the Heimlich Maneuver

Choking is quite common; in fact, thousands of people die each year from it. Choking is simply the obstruction of the airways which restricts the flow of air to the lungs. The Heimlich procedure is the first step in getting someone who is choking the help they need. 

When doing the Heimlich maneuver, also known as abdominal thrusts, you should start by standing behind the person and wrapping your hands around them just below the breast. Hold your hands together to make a fist and pull upwards on their diaphragm. The thrusts should be done at an approximate rate of one thrust per second. 

If done correctly, the Heimlich can expel air from the lungs and help push the obstructing object out.

Learn How to Do CPR

CPR is a life-saving procedure that can be performed in cases where someone is not breathing or has had a heart attack. CPR keeps blood flowing as you wait for medical help. 

After calling 911, the next thing you should do is lay the person flat on their back and ensure there is no obstruction to their airway. Next, place your ear close to their mouth and if you do not feel them breathing or if you try to find a pulse and feel none, you should start CPR. 

This is a series of 30 chest compressions followed by two breaths into their mouth. When blowing into their mouth, ensure that their chest rises to the maximum level. Keep repeating this cycle until help arrives.

Learn How to Use an Automated External Defibrillator

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is an electronic device that diagnoses life-threatening heart rhythms. These are usually cardiac arrhythmia due to pulseless ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. An AED device delivers an electric current that shocks the heart into its usual pattern. An AED defibrillator can also produce electrocardiograms and other charts that can be used by medical practitioners to help treat the affected person. One Beat CPR is a distributor of reliable AED machines if you need one for your home or office. They also have CPR and AED classes that teach students how to use an AED machine for better outcomes.

Learn to Administer Epinephrine and Insulin

Anaphylaxis and low blood sugar are acute conditions that can lead to death fairly quickly. Learning how to administer epinephrine and insulin respectively can help save a life.


Everyone should learn simple medical procedures because when we all do, we can improve the chances of someone recovering and even prevent death. The good news is that these procedures are easy to learn and can be picked up in less than a day. A lot of colleges nowadays offer first aid courses too which might be worth looking at if you want to perfect your skills further. But for now, these simply tricks will help. 

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