Women’s History Month is a time when people can celebrate the fantastic minds that have shaped society as we know it. A time we recognize geniuses that may have been erased from the history books, her intelligence hidden and her right to fame buried along with it. This is a month when women can feel empowered and empower each other through our glorious history and brilliance.
But this type of celebration shouldn’t be restrained to one month out of the year. We need to honor each other 24/7/365. If there is a woman in your life that inspires you, don’t wait until March to share her name. Here are three ways you could get her name out there any time of the year.
Talk About Her
Yes, this one is simple, but that also makes it easy! Whether it’s a casual conversation or one held specifically about representation, this is bulletproof. Tell your friends and family about her, your teachers, and your coworkers. What is she doing that inspires you? How could people learn about her?
Post About Her
Most of us these days have some type of social media. No matter how big or small of a following we have, we should use these platforms to share these women with each other. Repost something from her social media, or inform others about something she’s doing for your community. Social media is an entity that can be used for positive reinforcement, and we should take full advantage of that. Imagine how it could help a girl’s mental health and boost her confidence to see successful women encouraging her.
Use Her Services
There are plenty of women with small businesses that create beautiful products. Buying their products can not only support their entrepreneurial endeavors but wearing their merch could also get others interested in buying it. Flaunt any bags, jackets, outfits, or accessories you can get your hands on!
We shouldn’t commemorate powerful women only thirty-one days out of the year. Motivate others about the women around them at any moment, fostering a healthy environment of constant motivation. Girls are so often searching for people to look up to, and there is no shortage of women. All we need to do is educate each other about them and get their names off the ground.