Around the holidays, it becomes more difficult to maintain focus on schoolwork, studying, and deadlines. If you are applying to college and scholarships, it is more than just difficult; it is overwhelming. So, from a long time student and serial procrastinator, here are some tips that may help you stay on top this winter.
Make a to-do list
Personally, this isn’t my favorite trick, but some of my best friends and trusted adults swear by it. Writing down what you need to focus on, especially putting priorities at the top of the list, is a great way to stay organized and figure out how to budget your time. And, crossing off tasks you completed is super satisfying.
Where do you work best?
Find that environment that will make the difference for you! For some people, waking up early and studying in an empty classroom is the perfect study schedule. For others, a desk or kitchen table after school will do just fine. Personally, sitting in a library with a studious friend or two is really helpful. Also, keeping a friend on facetime while you both work is a great way to hold yourself accountable and keep yourself off of your phone.
Sticky Notes
These little slips of paper have made my life so much easier. They are super convenient; you can take your tasks, lists, or ideas with you throughout your day, keeping them in your line of sight whenever you can. If you have a wall calendar or planner, you can use them to mark your personal deadlines of when you need a project or parts of a project done. They make time and task management so much easier, and they add a fun pop of color.
Calendar or Planner
Whether you use a planner every day or you scribble in your schedule on a wall calendar, write what you need to do down! It is best to look at your schedule for the next day the day before, too, so that way you do not overbook or overwork yourself.
1 Comment
Dania A.
I needed this! These are wonderful tips, will be trying out ASAP!
December 20, 2021 at 5:16 pm