Self-Sabotage by Caitlin Boos
Your voice rings through the telephone,
“Tonight, we’re both alone”.
I know if we meet, I’d fall apart-
You only call when you crave shattering hearts.
I am witless when under your sacred spell,
So in an instant I’m in your passenger’s seat.
We’re foolishly speeding down empty streets,
And I know I’m going straight to hell.
The bitter tequila makes numb my tongue,
As you scream out the window, “Forever young!”
I glance over at you with gleaming eyes,
Choking out through giggles, “My god you’re dumb.”
I’ve been here many times, I know it’s wrong,
But as we’re poorly mumbling through a low-fi song,
My unbridled adoration begins to show,
So, I ignore my mind’s warnings and fully let go.
We carelessly run red lights all night;
I grow increasingly blind to your façade.
Your plastic promises please my senses-
Encouraging me to trust you like a god.
Your lips then part to suckle my skin,
I exhale the last of my sensical thoughts.
The passion which pulses upon your fingers,
Is superior to my objections and whatnot.
Your love is a lie and your arms aren’t a home;
I know in the morning I’ll think to myself,
“Fuck, I need to disconnect the telephone.”