Articles, STEM

My Eureka! Internship Experience

At GirlSpring, we are glad to know about all of the wonderful opportunities in our community that are available to girls! Read more below to find out what all is happening at Girls, Inc.!

I never thought I would learn so much about the medical field from interning at a vet clinic. My internship placement was at Alabama Shelter Veterinarians, where animals are brought in from area shelters and the doctors spay and neuter the animals. My main responsibilities included surgery prep. I got to give anesthesia to the animals, tube them to hook them up to the gas machine, and shave and disinfect the stomach to prepare them for surgery.
My whole experience was pretty great; I love to have responsibilities and not have to be watched 24/7. They treated me like I was an adult just like them. Interning at the clinic really opened up my mind to lots of other opportunities and job placements I can choose from. I want to be a plastic surgeon, and I learned skills I can apply to the medical field and in lots of other ways. I loved my internship and now know what else I can try out later in life.

Girls Inc. has taught me so much about myself and how to handle stressful situations, which every woman will most definitely need, especially in the America we are growing up in today. I hope to inspire girls – there is a path to take that leads the right way. With all the pressure there is in the world, Girls Inc. has helped me find this path.

Dallas E. Brooks
Dallas is a freshman in high school and completed her first Eureka! internship this past summer.
Eureka! is a five-year comprehensive STEM program designed to inspire girls ages 12 to 18 to pursue their academic and career interests, especially in STEM-related fields. The Eureka! camp is held on the campus of UAB each summer and involves monthly meetings during the school year. Rising 8th-grade girls have the opportunity to engage in hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math activities, along with personal and career development workshops and adventure sports. The program also gives them the chance to visit college campuses, meet new friends, and explore different career options. In the final three years of the program, girls have the opportunity to complete an internship. Visit What We Do Here to learn more.


Kristen is a contributor for GirlSpring. Her posts focus on GirlSpring updates and current events.

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