, Stress

Kick Stress to the Curb!


Kick Stress to the Curb

& Kick Butt at Life!

Students are exposed to a variety of stressors during the college experience. A 2016 poll conducted by the American College Health Association found that 34.4% of college students reported that stress had negatively impacted their academic performance over the past 12 months. Stress was the single most common inhibitor on academic performance reported by students, followed by depression, anxiety, and sleep difficulties. These increased stress levels come with some dire consequences.

College students exposed to chronic stress can suffer from several long-term side effects, including developing insulin-dependent diabetes. Additionally, suicide rates amongst college-aged students are three times higher than they were in 1950, as described by the American College Health Association statistics published in Psychology Today.

The number of college students who suffer from stress-related ailments appears to be on the rise.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, college enrollment increased by 11% from 1991–2001 and another 32% from 2001–2011. What’s more, survey data from the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors states that many large institutions have not attained pre-2008 recession budgets. The cards are against counseling centers with lower budgets and fewer resources. 

Occasional stress is an unavoidable part of everyday life. Small amounts of stress can have a positive effect, allowing us to push ourselves when encountering a difficult task. However, high levels of stress over a prolonged period of time can increase depression, anxiety, and other potentially life-threatening issues. This makes it all the more important to learn how to manage your stress before you suffer any adverse effects.

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