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Attainable & Joy Inducing Resolutions – New Year, New Perspective

Attainable Resolutions

 Joy Inducing Resolutions

Every January, the pressure of committing to resolutions for the new year is almost suffocating. However, few resolutions are worth the misery they entail. The idea of “being a better you”, causes stress and a focus on what about ourselves we dislike.

Ultimately, most resolutions end with disappointment and unsatisfying results. Which poses the question of, why not make attainable, joy inducing resolutions?

Although, I love art and anything involving creativity, distractions often deter me from this passion. Life has an infallible way of sneaking to the top of our priority lists – keeping us from what makes us happiest. Recently, I have made it a priority to spend time doing things I love to do.

Rather than staring at my phone or watching TV, I have begun spending free time on hobbies. Utilizing free time to stimulate my brain leaves me feeling more productive. Fun fact – when the brain does not receive enough stimulation, the body undergoes fatigue.

Next time you feel strangely tired, get up and move around!


Above is a painting that recreates one of my favorite pictures. This painting inspired my new year’s resolution to spend more time on activities that bring joy. Committing to this is both, easy to attain and induces happiness. My advice for 2020 is to take time doing things you enjoy and explore new hobbies that you can incorporate into everyday life.

From sports to art, there is a wide variety of activities one can use to decompress. Spending time away from distractions and focusing on you can drastically improve your lifestyle.

Start simple, and start today!

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1 Comment

  • Liana Mozee

    Love the steps you have taken, and the painting is amazing!

    February 2, 2020 at 11:30 pm
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