“How to spend your spring break”
Spring break is fast approaching us, and it can be difficult to know what to do with all of your time! So, if you start planning now then you can be sure to make the best memories and use of your time. Here are some ideas on how to spend your spring break this year:
Go on a trip
Planning a trip with friends or family is always a fun way to spend a break. It gets you out of your typical environment which can help to re-energize and inspire you for when you return after a break. Going on a trip can mean many different things depending on what you want to do, and where you want to go. You could plan a fun girls road trip even if it is just one night in the next town over. It doesn’t always have to be something as extravagant as going to another country. It can be fun to even just plan a camping trip and do things such as making s’mores and waking up for sunrise.
Hangout with friends
This might seem like an obvious one, but you can find new things to do to make it different than usual. Such as planning a sleepover that lasts for a few days, or even a camping trip as was previously mentioned. It can also be things such as going to a fair (if you have one), planning a day dedicated to a photoshoot, spa day, etc. Pinterest has so many great ideas for things to do with friends at home or somewhere else.
Take time for you
You don’t always have to spend your break being out and doing things with people the whole time. It is perfectly fine if you take some time to just chill in your room, maybe watch some Netflix and sleep in. School can get stressful and taking a bit of time to detox and wind down a bit can be just what you need. So, if all you do is stay in your house and lay around in pjs, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Go on a college tour
This is usually the time of year where people are applying to colleges or universities, and start going on tours. So, if you have some free time and going to college is something you want to do, maybe spend your free time working on that. Applications can be a lengthy process and it can be nice to do it when you don’t have the stress of homework on top of it also. Or, if you are past the application steps, look into going on a tour or two. It can be a fun experience to go somewhere different, work on your future, and explore your options.
Work or volunteer
Chances are if you are on spring break you are either having no school for the day, or are home from college. Either way this can be a great opportunity to make some money. If you have a part time job already, maybe pick up a couple shifts. Or, if you don’t you could start the process of searching for a job in the summer. And if a job isn’t your cup of tea right now, then maybe volunteering is. There are always so many opportunities for volunteering, that you are sure to find one that interests you. And, if so, you can bring some friends along to make it even more fun!
Want tips on what to pack for your trip? Check out Sherrod Wilbanks’ Packing Inspiration for Spring Break and Summer!
Still not sure what to do for spring break? Check out this quiz to see what you should do based on your personality: https://www.girlspring.com/where-or-what-you-should-do-for-spring-break-based-on-your-personality/