Articles, Fun, Home Life

How to Make Sure That You Have a Great Summer By: Corra Maddox

Now that summer has come, loads of students are lounging around and watching TV. While doing nothing can be fun for a time, usually people grow tired of it and become bored. Here are a few tips that I have to make sure you have the best summer you can!


  • Try to do Your Summer Work as Soon as You Can

Even if you don’t have a lot of summer work, you should try to do as much of it as you can at the beginning of summer so that it doesn’t put pressure on you over the summer. Also, once your summer work is done, you will be able to do whatever you want without your work being a factor. 


  • Sign Up For Camps

It can be any type of camp that you want but you should at least sign up for one camp. When you have a camp in the summer, not only is that period of time filled with fun activities, but it gives you something to look forward to during the summer. 


  • Go on a Day Trip with Friends

One of the biggest reasons summer becomes boring is because we see our friends less during summer. With that in mind, try to figure out a day when your friends can get together and go somewhere. It doesn’t have to be some grand trip, it could just be shopping. No matter what your trip is, it will help summer seem more enjoyable.


  • Start a New Hobby

With all of the free time on your hands during the summer it would be easy to start a new hobby. Try and think about anything you have wanted to learn how to do like baking or running. In the summer you can easily make a schedule that you can stick to. 


There are four tips on how to enjoy your summer without wasting all your time watching TV. That being said, there is nothing wrong with binge watching a show once in a while!

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