Articles, Cooking, Food,, Health, Holiday

How to Have a Gluten Free Christmas

How To Have A Gluten Free Christmas

Updated December 2020

How to Have a Gluten Free Christmas

Recently, I got tested by my doctor and found out that I was gluten intolerant.

Do I ignore this diagnosis most days? Yes. If I didn’t, would I feel a whole lot better? Absolutely. Around the holidays, it seems impossible to avoid gluten. The holiday season tempts me at every family get together or holiday celebration. I want to eat every bread, cookie, and a piece of cake at holiday parties.

For starters, a lot of people don’t know what gluten is or what types of foods have gluten.

According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, “Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley, and triticale – a cross between wheat and rye.” Gluten helps food maintain their shape. It acts as “a glue that holds food together.” Basically, gluten is found in basically anything made with dough or batter. Gluten appears most often in bread, cakes, cookies, etc. What does NOT have gluten, however, are foods made with rice, corn, or oats. This means corn chips and corn tortillas, rice-based cereal, rice noodles, and oatmeal are safe to eat as long as they don’t have any wheat flour added.

It’s safe and healthy for anyone to avoid foods with gluten. To an extent.

Those with Celiac Disease (an autoimmune disorder diagnosed by a doctor) must avoid gluten every day. As a result, people prevent painful symptoms. Learn more about Celiac symptoms and treatments at the Celiac Disease Foundation website:

Those who don’t have Celiac, but have gluten intolerance or sensitivity (like me!) should still avoid gluten. You can still consume a small amount of gluten. However, you may experience problems such as migraines, anxiety, depression, upset stomach, fatigue, abdominal pain, and iron deficiency.

Before you make any diet changes, consult a dietician or medical professional.

For me, an extremely food-motivated person.

That means I have a hard time practicing self-control around foods I want to eat. Especially bread, cookies, cakes, and biscuits. Even though I know that I’ll feel better if I cut them out of my diet completely. If you feel like you may have any form of gluten intolerance, stay gluten-free for this holiday season. In January, see if you feel any different at the beginning of next year.

Here are some recipes that will help you accomplish this without feeling left out from all the delicious holiday food:

Grape and Cheese Board:

Find the recipe here:


Popcorn Snowballs:

Find the recipe here:


Cream Cheese Cranberry Dip (serve with gluten-free crackers/pretzels):

Find the recipe here:


Cornflake Butterscotch Crunchies:

Find the recipe here:


White Chocolate Candy Cane Heart Pops:

Find the recipe here:


Cranberry Barbeque Meatballs:

Find the recipe here:


Peppermint Popcorn:

Find the recipe here:


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1 Comment

  • rohmanaim

    These look so good!

    December 3, 2020 at 5:13 pm
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