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High School Do’s and Don’ts

Do's and Don'ts

High school can be tough, but don’t let it get you down. If school has you down in the dumps, try out these high school do’s and don’ts.

Don’t: Give all your Attention to Grades

    • A single grade will not make or break you.
    • My last year in Algebra I received an F on two tests in a row. However, I ended the semester with a B. If you get an F,  remember that you still have an entire semester to raise your GPA.
    • As for GPA, you don’t want to not give any effort – but a 3.5 never hurt anyone. Dedication to extracurriculars like clubs and teams is also an important factor. 

Do: Manage your Time and Workload

    • I am working towards graduation next year, so I can officially say I now know how to manage my time.
    • This year’s plate includes joining clubs, playing tennis, begin volunteering, trying to find a job.
    • Some additional tips: Do all assignments as soon as you receive them; whiteboard calendars are better than planners; and Saturdays and Sundays are perfect for balancing physical things, social life, and fun.

Lunch Do’s and Don’ts

    • Last school year I sat with the same group of people everyday. However, this year I usually sit by myself. If this sounds like you, I have some tips. 
    • Eat outside or with talkative people. 
      • Eating in the corner may get attention off of you but it can also make you feel lonely.
    • Read a Book
      • Reading is a good way to secure your space while keeping you entertained.
    • Eat with a Teacher
      • Eating with a teacher might sound embarrassing, but there is no shame in it! The best teachers are those who develop friendships with their students. Think of it as your own personal mentor.

Do: Make Friends

    • Joining clubs is how I made a lot of my friends.
    • Speak up in class even if you don’t talk to anyone in particular. Speaking up could spark a conversation and lead to a great friendship!
    • Partner projects seem terrifying, but it’s a great way to meet someone new. 

Don’t: Ignore your Physical and Mental Health

    • Get Physical. Although it is tempting to lie down and do nothing, a simply moving for an hour everyday has many great benefits – for school and life in general!
    • Take a Break: It is unnecessary to miss out on sleep to cram for a test or rush to complete an assignment. If you need extra time, just talk to your teacher about it. A simple day off can do wonders for your mind.
    • Cut the Crap. From candy and soda to bad friends, cut out anything in life that isn’t positive.

My Top 2 Tips

Do: Not Stress

    • If you’re spending four years in high school, you have 1,460 days to improve! Single grades mean nothing compared to the bigger picture and your memories mean more than a letter.

Don’t Procrastinate

    • Getting it over with makes life so much easier. If you have a week to do an essay, doing a rough draft in three days then editing the other 2 days, will save you plenty of stress and long nights.

Need more tips on school? Check out

Liana Mozee

I am currently a sophomore, but plan to graduate early. Ihave been vegan currently for 1 year! When i graduate high school I either want to go to college to be an interior designer or a veterinarian. A fun fact about me is that I love horror movies!

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  • Sela

    Thanks for sharing some awesome reminders that can help going into the second semester!

    January 3, 2020 at 10:26 pm
  • Ariel Zhou

    This is great advice 🙂

    January 3, 2020 at 10:26 pm
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