Poem – Grown Up By: Corra Maddox
When you get that new toy
You will be grown up
When you make that new friend that isn’t very nice
You will be grown up
When you get a phone
You will be grown up
When you get your ears pierced
You will be grown up
When you start talking about people behind their backs
You will be grown up
When you start swearing
You will be grown up
When you start caring about corrupt politicians
You will be grown up
When you go to your first homecoming
You will be grown up
When you get your driver’s license
You will be grown up
When you destroy your friendship with your friend because you kissed her boyfriend
You will be grown up
When you start hating your parents
You will be grown up
When you go to prom
You will be grown up
When you graduate
You will be grown up
When you become jaded about the world
You will be grown up
When you go to college
You will be grown up
When you get your first job
You will be grown up
When you get burnt out because your employer doesn’t see you as human
You will be grown up
When you graduate college with a meaningless degree
You will be grown up
When you start your career and work relentlessly for years
You will be grown up
When you get that promotion
You will be grown up
When you get married
You will be grown up
When you start paying taxes
You will be grown up
When you pay your mortgage
You will be grown up
When you start a family
You will be grown up
When you see your kids graduate
You will be grown up
When you retire
You will be grown up
When you become so tired of this world that you lost all hope
You will be grown up
When you die
You will be grown up
We know you don’t remember what it’s like to be young
We know you have lost hope
Be we haven’t
Not yet
So just let us be young
We don’t want to be grown up just yet
Let’s not grow up too fast, life has many things we need to enjoy. Check out the link here on why you should enjoy being a kid while you can.
If you liked her poem, check out another one of Girl Spring contributor Corra’s intense poem here, The Most Lethal Drug.