So many types
Lilies, Roses, and Daisies
All so beautiful
All so delicate
Like life
When it first blooms it is beautiful
People love it
They appreciate it
But it doesn’t last long
People start taking it for granted
They start disrespecting the person who gave them the opportunity to love the flower
They overlook it
They want more than the flower
And then just as sudden as it came into the world
It is gone
You will never see the flower again
It was beautiful
But no one noticed
No one except that one person
Sometimes a girl
Or a boy
Or sometimes an old man
It doesn’t matter what they look like
All that matters is that they noticed
That they were there
They noticed their beauty
The delicate nature of it
They noticed
They cared
They were there everyday
And they noticed when the flower is no longer there
They feel sadness
But sometimes they feel contentment
Because they know that they had a good life
The flower might not have had a long life but they used it to make that one person happy
Life is a flower
And it is beautiful
For another poem, check out “Forgetting.”