College, Lifestyle, School, This and That, Tips, TRENDING, Writing NJ teen gets accepted to all 8 Ivy League schools and Stanford April 11, 2017
Home Life, School, This and That, Writing The Power of Never Giving Up! March 8, 2017 People can be bitter in many aspects. There are people who will underrate you, underestimate you, and lowball you. It can be…
School, Tips, Writing 5 Tips for going back to school after the break January 23, 2017 Well, it’s official. The first semester is finally over and the beginning of the final half of the school year is quickly…
Home Life, School, Writing Bully December 30, 2016 Dumb Fake Fat Messy Ugly Worthless Noise fills her ears The laughter that was once friendly now haunts her mind All eyes…