Portfolio How will the Alabama Senate Election Affect Your Health? November 22, 2017 On December 12th, there will be a state-wide senate election to fill the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The choice…
Portfolio What I Would Give November 20, 2017 What I Would Give to spare you more time. I would pay in a million starry nights. I would pay in sacrifice…
Portfolio Her Home by Lydia November 19, 2017 A true home is where one feels safe and at ease. A true home is where people can truly be themselves.
Portfolio Poem: Breaking The Glass Ceiling November 16, 2017 Moving on and thinking forward, Extending previous set borders, Still women are left behind, Equality continuously declined, Women had to fight for…
Portfolio Cat Calling November 15, 2017 One day , minding my own business, I am walking down the halls of my school, where I should feel safe, and…