The Words Inside
The phrase “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is ludicrous
Words can hurt you more than sticks
More than stones
More than fire
More than guns
Words cause the most damage to a person
They don’t physically hurt
They do something worse
They carve deep down into your soul and corrupt you from the inside
Whether the words are, “You aren’t pretty enough”
“A B isn’t good enough”
“I love someone else”
No matter the words, they worm themselves into our hearts and we start to rot
We start repeating the words
First to ourselves
Then to others
We try to change the words
Sometimes we can
Sometimes we can’t
Sometimes they fester
Sometimes they die away with the help of other words that don’t hurt, but soothe
“You look great today”
“I am proud of you”
“I love you too”
We try not to hurt each other
Sometimes we can’t help it
But at the end of the day, what matters is the words inside of us
What words are we listening to?
What words are guiding your life?
Do they hurt or soothe?
And what words are you saying to others?