Articles, Books,, Goals, Mental Health, Tips Come Back Stronger from 2021 January 3, 2022 2021 was filled with anxiety, chaos, fear, and fatigue. My fear of failure grew larger. My anxiety about making friends and being…
Articles, Mental Health Coping With Anxiety on the Daily December 19, 2021 Anxiety is the most common mental illness, considering the fact that 400 million American adults alone have it. According to the National…
Articles,, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Stress How to Make Journaling More Effective November 16, 2021 People often suggest journaling as a method to relieve stress and frustrations, but it was not until recently when this became an…
Articles, Mental Health, Poem Poem: My Fight October 21, 2021 My thoughts take me back to the battles I fought My demons prevented me from walking my walk My brain stopped and…
Mental Health How to Cope With Trauma September 7, 2021 It would be nice if we could all get through life without any traumas, but unfortunately, many young people will experience some…
Articles,, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health My Take on “That Girl” August 13, 2021 Who is “that girl”? According to TikTok and Pinterest, she eats avocado toast along with other “aesthetic” meals, drinks matcha, reads books…