Articles, Birth Control, Health, Politics, Women's History Texas and a Woman’s Right to Choose September 9, 2021 What Happened? On September 1, 2021, a new law went into effect in Texas banning women from having abortions after cardiac activity…
Articles,, Health, Skin Care Working Self Care into your Back to School Routine! August 25, 2021 Going back to school is a fun and exciting time, but it can be a little tough getting back into the swing…
Health How to Take Control of Your Own Health August 24, 2021 As a child, your parents or caretakers help you to take care of your health. But as you get older, it slowly…
Articles,, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health My Take on “That Girl” August 13, 2021 Who is “that girl”? According to TikTok and Pinterest, she eats avocado toast along with other “aesthetic” meals, drinks matcha, reads books…
Health 5 Foot Health Concerns and How to Prevent Them July 23, 2021 Foot diseases and conditions are perhaps one of the most prevalent, but often neglected or overlooked, health concerns among many individuals. They…
Alcohol, Articles, Drugs, Health, Tough Questions Why Teen Girls May be More Vulnerable to Substance Abuse July 14, 2021 Traditional views on gender roles and norms may seem to suggest that, because boys tend to be viewed as more aggressive and…