Articles, Confidence, Mental Health, Poem, Poems, Thinking Positive Poem: A Message to my Obstacles March 1, 2022 As a girl, I know I get criticized, downgraded, and viewed as incompetent. This makes me feel weak and lowers my self-esteem, …
Articles, COVID-19, Lifestyle, Thinking Positive, Tips How to Contribute to the World Post-Pandemic February 24, 2022 As the pandemic hopefully starts slowing down soon, there’s going to be a huge need to get back to life. But, when…
Articles, Goals, Thinking Positive, Writing A Letter to 2022 February 4, 2022 Dear 2022, As I come into this new year, I think about all of the events that have occurred in 2021, COVID-19…
Articles, Book Review, Books, Fun,, Keeping Busy, Lifestyle I’m Reading 22 Books in 2022, Here’s Why January 18, 2022 I’ve never been one for New Years Resolutions. Most people forget them on January 10th, and some don’t even make it…
Articles, COVID-19, DIY,, Keeping Busy 5 Beginner Projects for Crochet/Knitting to Start the New Year! January 7, 2022 I have been crocheting for around two years now, and knitting for a year-and-a-half. There are certainly unique challenges that go with…
Articles, Cooking, Fun, Holiday, Keeping Busy, Thinking Positive The Importance of Traditions December 17, 2021 Traditions mean so much to us all. We usually create them intending to redo them every year, month, or week. Whether it…