~ Happy 30th Birthday Ariana! ~ Ariana’s Birthday Post (1) Honeymoon Avenue Ariana Grande described the longest song of her first album,…
Articles, Confidence, Environment, GirlSpring.com, Goals, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Shero, Thinking Positive
Tackling What Society Throws At Us
Tackling What Society Throws At Us Whether you know it or not, every girl, every person, has a problem, and nowadays you can…
I’m teetering on the edge of Seventeen. Fifteen was too little, Sixteen was too late, and now my feet are clinging onto…
Underground lies all I know and live for, but I hear of Precious expression through these segments named “petals,” Which conjures no…
Articles, Confidence, Environment, Fun, GirlSpring.com, Goals, High School, Leadership, Lifestyle, Thinking Positive
Seven Acts of Kindness to do This Summer
Have you ever heard the saying “You are what you eat?” The phrase is associated with containing a good diet. However, what…