Articles, Book Review, Books, Fun,, Keeping Busy, Lifestyle I’m Reading 22 Books in 2022, Here’s Why January 18, 2022 I’ve never been one for New Years Resolutions. Most people forget them on January 10th, and some don’t even make it…
Articles, Poem, Poems Poem: Red Candle January 17, 2022 One pink and red candle- wax dripping hot. I burned my knuckle and sucked the sore. It wept. Anyway, I…
Articles, Lifestyle, Writing From Lemons to Lemonade: A Personal Story January 16, 2022 In my personal opinion, one of the most important skills to acquire in life is the ability to adapt. Unfortunately though,…
Articles, Confidence, Leadership A Reflection on Mock Trial January 15, 2022 This fall, I competed in my first mock trial competition, and it was quite the learning experience. From entering my very first…
Articles, Lifestyle, Opinion The Lack of Gray Area in our Lives: Why we Choose Sides January 14, 2022 Whether it concerns a playful or a more serious topic, people often choose sides. We pick a definite stance on an issue,…
Articles, Poem, Poems, Relationships Poem: The Ghost of You January 13, 2022 I used to be haunted. You used to haunt me, and I lived every day in fear of your ghost infiltrating…