Articles,, Health, Politics Supreme Court Cases to Pay Attention to May 2, 2022 Updated May 3, 2022 The Supreme Court’s term began on the first Monday in October and will go through the Sunday before…
Articles, Book Review, Books, Fun, Stress The Importance Of Reading April 28, 2022 Reading is a popular pastime of many teens. It brings enjoyment and it takes you on a fun rollercoaster of emotions with…
Articles, Body Image, Confidence, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health 5 Common Issues That Teen Girls Face April 28, 2022 Image Credit Without a doubt, the teenage years are filled with several highs and lows. With about 42 million adolescents in the…
Articles, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Stress Why is Self Care So Hard? April 27, 2022 I have always been told about the importance of having a self care day and making time for myself. However, this has…
Articles, Book Review, Books, Keeping Busy, Opinion Taylor Jenkins Reid: Worth the Hype? April 26, 2022 If you have a similar TikTok For You Page as me, you have probably heard of the author Taylor Jenkins Reid. I…
Articles, College or Career, Home Life Heading Home From College? Here’s How to Store Your Belongings April 26, 2022 Most of us head into student accommodation when it comes to attending college. This is great. It gives you the chance to…