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    The Years Ahead

    The Years Ahead: A Poem


    That’s a year that I used to be excited for.

    Now after the election,

    I’m scared out of my mind.

    Not just for myself,

    But for the people that I’m friends with.

    Black people,



    Gay people,

    Trans people,

    Poor people,

    Heck, even men!

    Literally everyone except the people in power,

    Because this doesn’t affect them.



    That’s the year that my brother graduates,

    Then, I’ll have one less shoulder to lean on.

    One less person to fight and argue with.

    One less person to laugh and spend time with.

    One less person that cares.

    I’ll lose another person close to me.

    Then there’s an empty bedroom.

    Then, there’s only two kids left.

    Then, another rift is created.

    Then, I’ll be 16.

    I’ll miss him,

    But will he miss me?


    That’s the year that my step-brother graduates.

    Then, I’ll have one less shoulder to lean on.

    Just myself.

    One less person to fight and argue with.

    Just myself.

    One less person to laugh and spend time with.

    Just myself.

    One less person that cares.

    Just myself.

    I’ll lose another person close to me.

    Then there’s another empty bedroom.

    Then, there’s only one kid left.

    Then, another rift is created.

    Then, I’ll be 17.

    I’ll miss him, even though we fought,

    Will he miss me?


    That’s the year that I graduate.

    Me, the final child.

    Then, there’s just my parents.

    One less person to fight and argue with.

    One less person to laugh and spend time with.

    One less person that cares.

    They’ll lose another person close to them.

    Then, there’s another empty bedroom.

    Then, there’s no kids left.

    Then, a rift is healed.

    Then, I’ll be 18,

    An adult.

    I’ll miss them.

    I’ll miss my childhood,

    Regretting wanting to grow up faster.

    But I KNOW that they will miss me.


    That’s the year I’ll be a freshman in college.

    Another election has passed.

    Hopefully, it went better than the last one.

    I see my family over breaks and for holidays.

    There’s a new air when we meet,

    A nostalgic feeling.

    We have grown up,

    We are still the same people,

    Just more mature.

    We laugh about the past.

    Complain about college.

    We are together again,

    And long for the time to spend together again.

    We will see each other again.


    If you liked The Years Ahead, check out more original poems here.