Animals, Articles, TRENDING 14-Year-Old Girl Invents AWESOME Device to Help Her Dog Deal with Loneliness July 11, 2018 Brooke Martin is only 14 years old, but she managed to invent something that might just change the way you and your…
Animals, Articles, Sheroes SHero: Rachel Mohd September 14, 2017 Rachel Mohd is an animal rights activist that definitely falls into the category of Shero. She is an 18-year-old local to Birmingham…
Animals, Confidence To the Girls Who Could Change the World September 13, 2017 When you sit and contemplate about this, it’s all of us. Changing the world isn’t about changing everyone or everyone knowing you…
Animals, Writing Camp NaNoWriMo July 18, 2017 (Image credit to wintersmagicstock on DeviantArt.) Summer is here, and with the freedom it brings sometimes comes boredom or a feeling of…