Articles, Book Review, Keeping Busy, Sports Furia: Book Review May 14, 2021 Last month, I read Furia by Yamile Saied Mendez. This book is a young adult fiction novel that is somewhere around…
Articles, Book Review, Books,, Keeping Busy My March Book Reads! April 21, 2021 Here is a review of my March book reads. March was kind of my “break” month for reading because all of these…
Articles, COVID-19,, Keeping Busy, Women's History TV Review: Self Made, the life of Madam C.J. Walker February 20, 2021 Updated February 20, 2021 Self Made is a limited series that recently debuted on Netflix. Make sure to get this show approved…
Articles, 3 Easy Self-Care Reads January 15, 2021 Making sure to take care of yourself is important for everyone. These books are an easy route to self-support. There are many…
Articles, Barbie: Empowering or Secretly Degrading December 23, 2020 In 1959, the first Barbie doll was released. Who knew how popular of a role model she would become for many girls…
Articles, COVID-19, Fun, Alternate Choices for this Halloween to Stay Safe! October 25, 2020 Alternate Choices for this Halloween to Stay Safe! As we all know, the form of many holidays this year have looked quite…