The Adventure in All of Us
By: Olivia Duchanaud
The adventure in all of us,
When we jump into a pool,
When we make an iced coffee for the first time,
When we try to sneak a snack into our cart at the grocery store,
When we turn in an assignment that we’re not sure about.
Adventure is seen in everyone,
Even in the little things,
Maybe not skydiving,
Maybe not running a forty-eight hour marathon,
Maybe not bungee jumping,
While those activities are adventurous,
You won’t be seeing everybody jumping off a cliff.
Adventure is different for everyone,
For me it would be,
Talking to my teacher after-school about a grade,
Drinking Fiji water for the first time (which I’m doing right now),
Or even calling my sisters to tell them about my crush.
Maybe for you it could be,
Doing a cartwheel,
Eating a new food,
Or maybe going into a café alone.
Everyone’s version of adventure and putting yourself out there is different,
But you should never tell yourself that you’re not adventurous,
Because everyone is in their own little ways,
Adventure – us!