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Nadia McDade

  • Articles, Confidence, Mental Health

    A Challenge in my Life

    One thing that was hard for me recently was getting into my new school. In full honesty, I was sure that I wouldn’t get in, but I did somehow. Knowing that the school won a Blue Ribbon award and has a lot of intelligent students, I immediately felt threatened by the idea of my I.Q. being lower than theirs and making a fool out of myself. When I got there, of course I was nervous about everything!

    How was I going to adjust? What were the people like? (Thankfully, I wasn’t that worried about bullies because I can defend myself) Would I understand what I was doing? All of these questions ran through my mind, but I had to remember all the other times I went different schools and I turned out fine, so why shouldn’t I while I’m here?

    Thankfully, the school year has been going well for me. Yes, I’ve had my ups and downs in multiple places, but at least I adjusted to most of the things that happened. There have also been different and unique units in different classes and events that keep school interesting for us. I thought it would be like a prison because of how much I had to prepare for it, but it’s not really that bad.

    Hopefully as the third and fourth semester go by, I’ll do better than I have before, find more people to hang out with, and just have a good time in general, but, who knows what’ll happen?


    Are you starting a new school? Check out the article from Rachel below for more tips!

    Are You Starting Fresh at a New School? Well, This Article is for You!