Articles, Poem, Poems, Writing Sonata July 22, 2021 *Dedicated to my dearest friend, Dima on the occasion of her 16th birthday* Tell me, do you dream of lullabies or…
Articles, Artwork, Poem, Poems, Writing Delphi May 18, 2021 Oh poet and prophet Do you stumble on your own delusions? Baked in the sun Until your skin shows signs of prophesy….
Articles, Writing Here is a Life April 16, 2021 Here is a life, laid out in front of me like toy blocks. Wooden blocks, wooden letters, jumbled together into disarray. Though…
Articles, Misc, Women's History, Writing The Many Faces of the “Smiling Woman:” Sylvia Plath and the Holocaust March 4, 2021 The Many Faces of the “smiling woman:” A Deeper Look into Sylvia Plath’s Chaotic Beauty and Grotesque Obsession with the Holocaust By…
Articles, Poem, Poems, Writing Time Warp January 28, 2021 I spin these things like silver between my fingers. Pearly blue remembrance, sticky with past tribulations left uncovered. I want to stay…
Articles, COVID-19, Holiday, Thinking Positive Dear 2020 December 30, 2020 Dear 2020, You started as a year for new beginnings. A year that would give so many a fresh start, a redo….