Articles Iceberg Breaks from Antarctic Ice Shelf August 2, 2017 Between July 10 and July 12, a Delaware-sized iceberg broke off from one of Antarctica’s largest ice shelves, Larsen C. Larsen C…
Articles, Health Benefits of Being Near Water July 29, 2017 Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always been in love with the beach. There’s something about the vastness and beauty…
Articles, Confidence, Depression, School, Tips Things I Would Tell My Teenage Self July 28, 2017 (Image credit to etin1111.) When I think about my teenage years, I always wonder what I would tell my teenage self, if…
Articles, Sheroes (S)hero in Science: Dr. Jana Veliskova July 28, 2017 I had the incredible opportunity to interview Dr. Jana Veliskova, Professor at New York Medical College and my research mentor, this week….
Tips 20 Things I Wish I Knew Before I was 20 July 25, 2017 Find your passion. One of the most valuable things in life is finding what fuels your fire- and being able to do…
Travel My Turks and Caicos Vacation! July 25, 2017 I had the opportunity to go to Turks and Caicos with my family 2 weeks ago, and I wanted to share some…