Articles Sleep Disorders Every Teen Should Know About November 29, 2021 Sleep is an incredibly important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Getting a good and consistent amount of sleep each night can…
Alcohol, Articles, Drugs How Do Teens Develop Alcohol Addictions In The First Place? November 18, 2021 When people think of alcohol addiction, they usually picture adults that are living on the streets because of their drinking problem. Young…
Articles, COVID-19, Staying Healthy, Thinking Positive Post-Pandemic Social Anxiety & How To Cope With It November 16, 2021 Make no mistake about it, the pandemic is still a thing that exists at the end of 2021 and moving into 2022….
Articles,, Health Girls, you’ve Got to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others! November 12, 2021 If there is one thing that every single teenage girl does, it’s compare themselves to other teenage girls. Puberty is peppered with…